A country estate in the green Valmarecchia



Several restaurants are contained within Tenuta Amalia, each with a historical and gastronomical offering of character and quality. RÒ E BUNÌ, to begin with, was originally a 16th-century mill, referred to in literature by Leone X. Why Rò and Bunì? They are the two oxen that worked side by side in the plowing of the fields: Rò, red, of barbaric origins and Bunì, italic, patient and sturdy. The restaurant's cuisine boasts recipes from the best in traditional Romagnolo cooking.

'e CROIN is the latest restaurant to open its doors at Tenuta Amalia. The name derives from the wicker basket used to protect baby chicks while the mother hen would forage in the yard.

TENUTA AMALIA Via Molino Bianco 836 - 47826 Villa Verucchio (Rimini) - tel. +39 0541 678536